Friday Brief 24/06/2022
Good afternoon and welcome to this week’s Friday Brief. We hope you have been enjoying the start of the summer and have managed to get those holidays booked in!
We have some great stories for you today! We would like to begin with a story from NSC. They are holding their National Sales Conference on Thursday 10th November in Birmingham. For details on why you should attend, and how you can access your Member Discount, please see the story below.
Random spot checks are part of the Health & Safety Executive’s strategy to ensure workplace safety. Throughout June, Croner are offering FREE H&S documentation critiques to association members to prepare them for a spot check and ensure legal compliance. Go to the story to get in touch with them today!
This week Sami has a new BSI Standard for you. This standard is proposing the Quality of transaction data. Have a look below and make a comment if you find you are interested.
The government has announced on Monday, a range of changes to make it simpler for businesses to apply new product conformity markings for most products placed on the market in England, Scotland and Wales. To find a list of what those measure are please go to the story below and find a link to the full article on the government website.
MTA Associate Member, National Physical Laboratory have some events coming up in July. Find details and links to both events in the story.
Make UK have two new training programs in place. Find out more about how the apprenticeships will be run in a webinar taking place next Tuesday. Check out the Eventbrite page through the link below.
We have loads of economic news this week – so much that we have split it over three stories! The UK economic news covers the manufacturing output and GDP figures for April which were both somewhat disappointing. The economy contracted for the second month in a row with all three sectors falling for the first time since January 2021, although the end of Test & Trace in England was the main reason why the service sector was in negative territory. In the UK section, we also take a look at the latest CBI Industrial Trends Survey and the Bank of England’s Agents’ summary of business conditions.
We have a separate article covering the flash Purchasing Managers’ Index for manufacturing which were released this week. This only covers the UK, Euro-zone (with separate releases for Germany and France), Japan and the USA but the common theme is a lower reading than in May for all of them and only in the UK and Japan was the output element of the index above the crucial 50 level (i.e. still growing).
For the rest of the world, we have the industrial production data for the EU in April – a modest improvement compared to March but still below the level of a year ago – and a look at the latest trends on the US machine tool and cutting tool markets with strong growth continuing in the former but a more modest result for the latter.
Last week, MTA was proud to host the Spring General Assembly of CECIMO; the theme of the meeting was Shaping the Future of Manufacturing and covered a number of topics. There are more details, including a summary of the latest statistical data in the story below.
That concludes the Friday Brief for today! We hope you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to ‘seeing’ you again next week!

Last week, MTA hosted the CECIMO General Assembly; delegates from the machine tool industry across Europe took part in a range of policy discussions and together with eminent speakers from the political and business arena, European Machine Tool producers debated key sectoral issues such as digital transformation, supply chain disruptions, standardisation issues, and sustainability. The […]
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European Industrial Production, April 2022: Data from Eurostat showed that total industrial production in the EU increased by +0.3% compared to March, with growth of +0.4% for the Euro-zone. This small improvement followed a sharp fall for both areas in March. Looking back 12 months, this means that industrial production in the EU is -0.5% […]
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UK Manufacturing Output, April 2022: Data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows that total manufacturing output fell by -1.0% in April although thanks to base effects, output in the latest 3 months (February, March and April 2022) was only -0.2% lower than in the previous 3 months (November and December 2021 and January […]
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Make UK Training programs
To find out more about the Management Level 3 and Level 5 Apprenticeships, please register for our webinar. The session will be an opportunity to find out more about these valuable Apprenticeships; how they are run and to ask any questions. Management Apprenticeship Information Session Tickets, Tue 28 Jun 2022 at 10:00 | Eventbrite
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MMN Event Promotion
MTA Associate Member, National Physical Laboratory have some events coming up in July- 12th July 3:30pm – Thin Film Defect Characterisation The Manufacturer Measurement Network will be hosting its next event Thin Film Defect Characterisation on the 12th July at 3:30pm. This event will feature presentations from NPL’s Daniel O’Connor, the University of Huddersfield’s Hussam Muhamedsalih, and […]
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Government to make it simpler for businesses to apply new product safety markings
Changes will make it simpler for businesses to apply new product conformity markings for most products placed on the market in England, Scotland and Wales. The government has today (Monday 20 June) announced a range of changes to make it simpler for businesses to apply new product conformity markings for most products placed on the […]
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BSI Standards
Please be advised that a New Work Item Proposal has been loaded to the BSI Standards Development Portal for comment. We hope this will assist in increasing awareness of the Standards Development Portfolio. Any comments received will be submitted to AMT/004 Industrial data and manufacturing interfaces, for consideration when deciding the UK response to the […]
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Croner – Random HSE spot checks are coming – Are you confident your business will pass?
Random spot checks are part of the Health & Safety Executive’s strategy to ensure workplace safety. Throughout June, Croner are offering FREE H&S documentation critiques to association members to prepare them for a spot check and ensure legal compliance. Get in touch with our team today to book your appointment before time runs out! Call 01455 […]
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NSC – end of early bird promo request?
Top 5 Reasons to attend the National Sales Conference 1) NETWORK with your industry peers and colleagues 2) LEARN from world’s leading experts in leadership, sales, revenue and customer success 3) CHOOSE your agenda with sessions from the Main stage, L&D, Entrepreneur and Tech tracks 4) MOTIVATE your team to be more focused and effective […]
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