The £2,000 grant initiative for management development which began last year closes next Friday.

You’re eligible for up to 10 grants of £2,000 to train your managers with only a small contribution to pay towards each.

To be guaranteed funding we would strongly recommend getting your application in no later than this Friday; 18th February.

>> Full details of the grant development programme

To enquire and be guaranteed of securing your grant(s) please call me or one of my colleagues, Charlie Eales or Bradley Dawson, on 01727 790790 or respond to this email now to secure as soon as possible.

You can choose the accredited programme of courses or qualifications that best suits each manager, with courses being run in small, friendly and engaging groups online at times to suit you.

Application is simple and the programme is open to all employers in the region with between 1 and 30 employeesApplying is done easily over the phone or by response to this email. You only need to pay your contribution – you don’t have to pay in full and reclaim. NB: contributions must be paid by electronic transfer or credit/debit card by 25th February. You can then start booking ahead with your grants secured. All we need to know is:

1.   Employer’s full name and main trading address
2.   Number of full-time employed staff
3.   Names and job titles of benefitting managers   (Unnamed bookings can be made with funding for future use)
4.   Just the level they’d like to take   (Full course and qualification choices can all be made at any time afterwards and there are no other charges)

If you’d like to find out more about how the programme would work for you and your managers, or apply and start booking your courses please do call me or one of my colleagues, Charlie Eales or Bradley Dawson, on 01727 790790 or email me by return.
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