The Global Supply Chains and Economic Security Directorate in the Department for Business & Trade (DBT) is looking for feedback on businesses experiences of managing critical supply chains and disruption.

Minimising supply chain disruption continues to be a Ministerial priority.  This survey will help the Department build a picture of: 

  1. Businesses’ understanding of your international supply chains. 
  2. How business is building resilience against potential disruptions to your imports. 
  3. Barriers businesses face in building resilience against potential disruptions to imports and how Government and business can work together to resolve these. 

Through this survey they are seeking to reach those who are responsible for trade and supply chain decisions. All responses to the survey will be anonymised and any report produced will ensure that no individual respondents can be identified.

The survey will be open from 27 June – 17 July 2023 and can be accessed via this link:

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