According to a YouGov survey, late in 2021, half of British workers (50%) were still working from home at least some of the time, up from 37% before the pandemic. An even high number (60%), said they would prefer to work remotely always or some of the time if they could choose.

So, whether you already have hybrid workers in your workforce, or you’re receiving a lot of requests for flexible/hybrid working, or you’re considering implementing a hybrid working policy, there’s some key things to keep in mind.

To help, the experts of MTA Associate Member, Citation have put together a free guide with their top tips for doing hybrid working right – from your legal obligations and Health & Safety, to inclusion, engagement, contracts and policies.


Your MTA member benefit

If you’d like to chat about how Citation can help with the HR and Health & Safety side of your business, just give them a call on 0345 844 1111, or fill in their call-back form and they’ll get right back to you.

Please quote ‘Manufacturing Technologies Association’ when enquiring to access your member benefit and preferential rates.


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