We would like to invite you to a one-day workshop that BSI is holding with Microsoft on 06 September in Central London on conformity assessment for digital services. The purpose of the workshop is to discuss some of the challenges inherent in developing conformity assessment modules for digital services and the risks of trade barriers that might arise from nation or region-specific regulatory approaches. In an attempt to identify possible solutions to these challenges, the workshop will explore the potential for globally recognised conformity assessment modules based on international standards.

The session will be highly interactive, with opportunity for input and discussion but there will also be short talks from experts to help drive the debate. Input from stakeholders at the workshop will inform the development of a summary document and this will then feed into the creation of a White Paper stating the issues and determining an approach forward.

BSI team have finalised an initial agenda for the day and a registration page is now available.

This will primarily be an in-person event. If you are interested please visit the following Link: https://www.bsigroup.com/en-GB/our-services/events/webinars/2022/conformity-assessment-for-digital-services-workshop/ or contact Sami Ortiz at [email protected]

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