Abate and Compensate: the pathway to net zero.

14th of November (13:30-17:30 followed by networking until 18:30 pm)

Businesses play a key role in achieving our global climate targets. The net zero by 2050 goal is enshrined in UK law and organisations motivated to progress with net zero will unlock major economic and financial opportunities. Make UK in partnership with Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) are launching a first-in-kind joint event on voluntary carbon offsets, providing manufacturers with access to the best global research, advice and specialist environmental projects.

This event is aimed at any business, small or large, seeking to advance on their net zero pathway and will help in making decisions regarding purchasing nature-based carbon sequestration projects with real confidence around integrity and value.

Attendance is ideally suited for anyone in an environmental, sustainability, finance, or purchasing role. please book here!

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