16th January 3.30 Underwater acoustics challenges for measurement and calibration https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/underwater-acoustics-challenges-for-measurement-and-calibration-online-tickets-763338304417

This meeting will provide an update on the NPL services and capabilities for underwater acoustic metrology. Underwater acoustics is a key underpinning technology for offshore energy activities, is increasingly used in oceanographic and environmental studies, and also plays a crucial role in maritime defence. The applications span positioning, communications, navigation, echo-sounding, geophysical surveying, water quality measurement, sonar, weapons systems and tomographic measurements of ocean currents and temperature.

NPL’s capability enables the protection and sustainable exploitation of the marine environment through provision and dissemination of traceable acoustic standards. This enhances the competitiveness of the marine technology industry and underpins strategic offshore energy applications. The metrology infrastructure provided by NPL ensures a robust legislative framework to protect the ocean environment and provides the standards that underpin the UK’s defence and security capability, and support UK marine technology companies.

19th Feb 4.00 Ultrasound for advanced manufacturing https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/power-ultrasound-for-advanced-manufacturing-tickets-768977601707

Find out about the power ultrasound technique with case studies across advanced materials, food & drink and pharmaceuticals.

19th March 4.30 Temperature measurement (Hybrid event, with an in person gathering at 3M in Huddersfield)

Join us for this event to learn about developments in temperature measurement with topics including thermometry for harsh environments, surface thermometry with thermographic phosphors, practical Johnson Noise thermometry and in-situ self-validating thermocouples.

You will have an opportunity to engage with the speakers through a question and answer panel session to find out more and perhaps to help with your own challenges in temperature measurement.

In person tickets – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/temperature-measurement-in-person-tickets-558585613607

Online tickets – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/temperature-measurement-online-tickets-547467940347

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