As the leaders in outsourced calls, live chat and more, Moneypenny are having lots of conversations with manufacturing and engineering firms who are frustrated about missing calls, and potentially valuable opportunities. Sound familiar? Their flexible and cost-effective Telephone Answering Service is the ideal solution for you.

They give you dedicated receptionists to look after calls on an overflow basis (covering peak activity, holidays & illness) or through 24/7 fully outsourced provision. Superpowered by their proprietary technology and integrated with software favourites like Microsoft Teams, they’ll access your real-time availability and handle calls exactly as if based in your business.

•            Capture every call & eliminate hunt groups

•            Reduce operating costs

•            Deliver outstanding service

•            Be available 24/7

•            Facilitate remote working

If you’re keen to strengthen every customer touchpoint, they can manage chats on your website in exactly the same way. Providing you with brilliant agents and all of the tech, they’ll handle some or all of your chats and generate more new enquiries on your behalf.

Try Moneypenny free

As a new partner of MTA, they’re offering members an extended 2-week free trial of their Telephone Answering or Live Chat services (or even both), so you can experience the benefits they’ll bring to your firm first-hand. To get started, chat to Jo Lockwood, Moneypenny’s Business Development Manager, on 0333 202 1005 or email [email protected] today.

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