West Midlands manufacturing firms can benefit from a funded skills bootcamp, run by the Manufacturing Technologies Centre (MTC) with money from the West Midlands Combined Authority and Lloyds Bank.

MTC says that the bootcamp aims is open to managers, team leaders and supervisors looking to upskill and to optimise their organisation’s processes and output.  At the end of the course, participants will be able to: analyse and improve their organisation’s ability to execute on strategy; develop a stronger leadership team; and achieve profitable, sustainable growth for their company, MTC says.

Course objectives include completing an organisational analysis across eight areas of the company, to improve its business impact: cost; process improvement; health and safety in the workplace; workplace organisation; visual management; standard work and process monitoring; problem solving; and continuous improvement and innovation.

Jack Semple of EAMA commented “Skills bootcamps are a government initiative with one of two clear categories, either getting people into work; or developing skills of existing employees.  The MTC bootcamp is the latter and is most welcome.  It would be good to see such a course made available in the rest of the country.   

Bootcamps have been funded by regional bodies using money from central government, which in practice has contributed to there being relatively little take-up in engineering and manufacturing – despite there being significant potential, particularly upskilling.  We have been putting these points to government.

We would welcome feedback, in confidence, from members who have experience of skills bootcamps to date – whether good or bad.  Similarly, it would be great to hear from any members taking up the MTC offer, and how they find it, or who otherwise have views on the bootcamp concept”.

Further details can be found via the MTC Skills Bootcamp webpage at https://the-amtc.co.uk/training/manufacturing-efficiency-skills-bootcamp/

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