Battery Technology

An overview of time and material challenges for batteries and how they are currently being met. Including work by NPL to provide traceability and confidence in these measurements. Including current research and development into improving processes. Dynamic and in-line measurement processes.

Talks from the National Physical Laboratory and UK Battery Industrialisation Centre.

Join here…

14th February 3.30pm  

Vehicle electrification

What are the current and future challenges for vehicle electrification? and more importantly how can we meet these challenges? Join us at this event to hear from speakers who are working in this field about some of the research they are doing to help with the development of vehicle electrification.

 Talks include information on how the electronics needed in this field will need to face harsh environments, how these electronics will be packaged to meet these environments and information on skills for this area of technology.

 Join here

7th March 3pm

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