UKCA – industry roundtables 

The Department for Business and Trade is holding a second round would of industry roundtables on the UKCA regime. They will be held from August 2nd to 17th in London, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Southampton, Darlington, Manchester, and Birmingham.  You can sign up to attend, here

“We are keen to gain further input from stakeholders on the UKCA regime,” DBT says. 

EAMA suggests that the most likely policy outcome is that current rules will be significantly eased but not completely abandoned: that for most products, UKCA may be no longer mandatory unless it signifies a significantly higher standard than CE or other well-known markings.  A decision is hoped for this autumn.

Conformity Assessment Costs Survey 

The Department for Business and Trade asks firms to complete a survey on the costs of conformity assessment.  Trade associations and their members are asked to complete the survey if they are involved in the manufacture, import, distribution, or selling of manufactured goods.   At the end of the survey there is an opportunity to provide feedback on UKCA as a whole and its implementation.  Completion of this survey should take approximately 10 to 20 minutes. The survey will be open from 13th July 2023 until 3rd August 2023 and can be found here.  The survey is separate from UKCA roundtables being held from August 2nd.

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