Following on from the MTA Annual Dinner where we raised a final total of £2,000 for Mission Motorsport, we are please to say that the MTA’s, Nicola Harrison spent Monday volunteering at their National Transition Event.

The event is designed to introduce those leaving the services, as well as veterans and spouses to find out more about employment opportunities available to them, and how to access the available support. As well as the ‘Mission Automotive’ team looking to introduce people to careers in the Automotive sector there was entire hall of ‘Mission Renewable’ employers. Those exhibiting are asked to bring staff who have previously served in the Armed Forces, not recruitment teams, so attendees can ask peer-to-peer questions of those who have already made the transition into a new career path.

Over 1000 attendees, hundreds of exhibitors, and a team of 80 volunteers headed to Silverstone and everyone who was brave enough had an opportunity to take a ride around the iconic racetrack at high speed. More importantly those attending had the opportunity to network with potential employers and learn more about the career paths open to them in sectors of the manufacturing and engineering industry where their talents are urgently needed to help address the skills gap.

It was a great event for seeing the positive results that come of making connections. Nicola summed it up saying “as a MTA staff member I was grateful for the opportunity to show the charity that our commitment to them doesn’t stop at fundraising, I was also delighted to see University of Wolverhampton Racing here; they met Mission Motorsport at an MTA event and now are lending their cars, drivers and time. It just goes to show the importance of events in providing a platform for people to engage face-to-face and how good can come from those conversations.”

We will be welcoming both Mission Motorsport and The University of Wolverhampton Racing to MACH 2024 and look forward to continuing our successful partnership with both.

The MTA is a signatory of the Armed Forces Covenant as well as Silver award holder in the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme. Further information can be found at The MTA received the Silver Award as part of the Ministry of Defence’s Employer Recognition Scheme | MTA – Manufacturing Technologies Association.

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