Jack Semple, Secretary of EAMA (of which MTA is a member) has reflected on the current political situation and notes that Kipling’s Kim said:  “Those who beg in silence, starve in silence.”  Therefore, now is a good time for the industry to raise its profile – to politicise manufacturing and advanced engineering, with a small “p”.

There has been precious little follow-through on the imperative to “reverse the historic decline in manufacturing in the UK” and, in his view, not enough has been made of that policy statement (from the Levelling-up White Paper).

He has drafted a brief letter (attached below) and we would encourage members who have a Conservative MP to write to them and get the message across on a topic that they should be supporting.  The letter has deliberately been kept quite short although there are some accompanying notes on the case for manufacturing which could be included.

Meanwhile, CBI director general Tony Danker has written an open letter to the Conservative leadership candidates: “Growth that relies on only government or household consumption is doomed to fail, especially at a time of rising inflation and high debt.  Sustainable economic growth must be at the heart of your manifestos.  The corporation tax hike should be “revisited” given the wider weakening economy and leadership candidates should look at the UK’s entire business tax regime as a whole, he said.”

There are some relevant links at https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62134320 and https://www.cityam.com/create-investment-boosting-tax-system-to-end-economic-malaise-cbi-chief-urges-tory-leadership-hopefuls/ which you might find interesting.

There is real momentum at the moment for business to make its voice heard and this is a good opportunity as the candidates will be working hard over the weekend to garner support from fellow Conservative MP’s.  If you are feeling creative, you could always adapt the letter for MP’s of other flavours!

Draft letter (July-22).docx

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