The latest edition of the CECIMO Toolbox was also published just before Christmas – the date refers to the fact that it mainly reflects information for the 3rd quarter.  The document groups information into 6 categories covering historical data for the sector, demand, investment, the business climate, general economic indicators and information on related sectors.

The highlights of this report include:

  • Total orders for the CECIMO8 (the largest machine tool producing nations in the group) declined in the third quarter of 2024;
  • The EU Industrial Production Index (IPI) slightly decreased in September, indicating a modest contraction in the output of EU manufacturers;
  • The Global Purchasing Managers’ Index is still in the unfavourable zone in October (49.4);
  • CECIMO Machine Tool Production reached €25.6 billion in 2024, according to early data.

You can download the full document from the members area of the MTA website at (it is the 3rd item on this page) – you will, of course, need your members login and password to access this.

Alternatively, you can access most of the data on the interactive CECIMO Dashboard which can be linked to via our the members area of our website at  it appears quite small but if you zoom in (Ctrl-key and +-key) it can be made more readable.

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